Monday, September 20, 2010

Castellan Jason's Project

In the first quarter of Graphic Design class, I worked on a Magazine cover of my choice.  To do this, I needed to first find a magazine to reflect my career choice. Secondly, I needed to design the magazine with a barcode, fireplace, and a dungeon background to display my personality and creativity. Lastly, there was the obstacle of getting all of the pieces to fit, for them all to come together into a masterpiece of a magazine cover.
The magazine cover of my design simply started off as a Writer’s Journal, but that wasn’t enough. I took the words ‘Writer’s Journal’ and pasted it unto a blank background in photoshop. I placed a dungeon of an old medieval castle, a fireplace from a home magazine, and a barcode to make it ‘official. Three headlines accompany the cover, each having to do with the magazine’s intentions.
Through this magazine, I wanted to communicate my love of writing. I used a notebook from home, and wished to design my cover as if it was a den from an old medieval movie, where the scribe sits in front of the fireplace, carefully reading over his work, making sure it was fit for the kingdom’s entertainment, if they were literate at all that is. Also, the magazine was also supposed to communicate my love of ‘metal’ in a discrete way. Things such as, replacing the original small fire that was in the fireplace with a raging inferno, and making the headlines and title seem like they were on fire.
Looking at the rubric, I feel as though my magazine cover was a success. Looking through each objective and its score further, I realize that I may not get a four, but I know that whatever score I get I’m proud of my work. I could improve on the uniformity of the piece, making sure everything looks like one flowing image instead of some parts being more obviously photoshoped than others. However, I know that the effort put in to the piece, such as finding all of the pictures to put in and just putting it in to make the magazine, was something I’ll be proud of considering this project. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Codex Entry: Castellan Jason Johnson.

The one who this is written for, his name is Jason Johnson. From what we've gathered, he enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons on weekends and listens to loud music classified as 'Metal'. He has a large black Rottwieler / German Shepard named Queen who is his best friend.  He has lived Fifteen years so far and will turn Sixteen on December seventh.  He is in Eleventh grade and has a tendency to throw rocks at the sky, just to see if they'll hit the heavens. He has three rules to his existence

1] He has no religion, he feels it only hinders him in his quest to be an author.
2] He follows Honor, Justice, Ambition,  Wisdom, and Chivalry
3] It's not  really a rule, but a hobby. He likes Space Marines, which is the very reason it's written this way.

(P.S.: Yes I put this in third person, I enjoy third person, and Castellan is just another name for the Leader of the Black Templar Space Marines. =] )