Monday, November 22, 2010

The Vigilante's Tale

The photographic truth assignment was an assignment where I had to place myself within history through photoshop, and make it look real. The problems I faced throughout the process of doing this project taught me much about photoshop and made me a much better photoshop user. When I finished, I felt accomplished and full; my own two hands, along with my imagination and also a little help from my good friend Phelan, had conquered the project’s long and grueling process.

My book is called ‘The Vigilante’s Tale’. Within the Vigilante’s tale, I chose to alter the images from world war’s one and two. To submerse myself into these pictures, I had to make my picture into black and white. I also needed to use many adjustments, just to make myself fit in more. Posing and position were very important as well, of course I could just take all of the pictures for my truths in one pose, but that would be boring and stagnant, and nobody wants that at all.

The theme I worked with was the theme of war. I chose war because I always dreamt of what it would be like if I was in a world war. I also thought of what it would be like if I were a vigilante of war, fighting for the cause of righteousness.  As the truth book goes on, it shows my ‘affiliation’ with the German army fading, and my affiliation for the Allies getting stronger. 

Photographic Truth was a very fun assignment. As I was doing it, I felt as though it was hard work, and it took many tries with variations to get it just right. I feel as though my Photographic truth was good, and made me very happy. My finished product is sitting right beside me, and once again it makes me proud, if I was to do this assignment over again, I would tell myself to not be s rash and angry with the project, and not feel like giving up on it, I finished it do to patience, and patience shall always triumph in a photoshop project.

These are the pictures in m book (In no specific order) hopefully you'll enjoy! ^_^

Friday, October 22, 2010

Codex Entry: The Mask...

Within the darkest of hearts we the Black Templars have found an interesting curse, we call it 'The Mask'. 'The Mask' Is chiefly the Heathen of Pagan symbol of a Pentagram within the accursed' eye. The singular case we've found within the population of the God Emperor's dominion (and lived through rigorous testing...) Had tattooed his face to make it seem like 'The Mask' wasn't there, or was merely a contact lens. We found that 'The Mask' grants the Accursed' with powers of heresy beyond the anything any enemy of ours has ever been able to exert: Such as the power of Blasphemous Elements. We've also found that the Accursed' has extreme fortitude against poisons and pain, and resists death itself. When our study was finished, we killed the subject while losing ten of our finest men. We have one picture of 'The Mask' of which the natives cal 'Deathmask Divine' since many of the Accursed' have been revered as Gods where of  which they've hailed from. 

The Mask itself, taken from the eye of the patient, number 000091666. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Castellan Jason Johnson's Lyrical Triptych

In this project, the assignment was to create a lyrical triptych. This lyrical triptych consisted of three panels, each with lines from a song of my choice. First I was to find images that suited the song of my choice, which was ‘Heaven Knows’ by Rise Against. Secondly, after creating the three layers and inputting the images, I was to insert the lyrics of the song into the triptych. Lastly, after inserting the lyrics, I used blending options and varieties to make the lyrical triptych more personalized.
       The song I chose was ‘Heaven Knows’ by Rise Against. The triptych itself consists of three panels, the first with an eagle soaring over a city lighted with neon and with a large group of people gazing upon it The second panel consists of an empty stage, with two ghostly men staring at one another, one of the men is an angel. The third panel consists of the expanse of space, music notes flying from the stars to indicate that they are singing, the third panel also has one of the men from the second panel, smiling.
       The images reflect to the lyrics of the song using symbolism and color schemes. The mood of the song is sad and almost admiring of a lost lover. The colors I found to be most fit for the song were red for love and black for sadness. The white purple and blue in between symbolize the other colors f love, and the blue for sadness. The mosaic effect I used symbolized the way that the writer of the song immortalized the girl he was singing about.
       My experience with photoshop this year was fun. I love photoshop. It lets me express myself in a new way I didn’t really know about until now. My lyrical triptych I think was successful. Like with my last photoshop work I’m proud of it, although I could improve it. I think I could choose a song that I could relate more to in a personal way, to give the triptych project more feeling from my heart / mental feelings. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Castellan Jason's Project

In the first quarter of Graphic Design class, I worked on a Magazine cover of my choice.  To do this, I needed to first find a magazine to reflect my career choice. Secondly, I needed to design the magazine with a barcode, fireplace, and a dungeon background to display my personality and creativity. Lastly, there was the obstacle of getting all of the pieces to fit, for them all to come together into a masterpiece of a magazine cover.
The magazine cover of my design simply started off as a Writer’s Journal, but that wasn’t enough. I took the words ‘Writer’s Journal’ and pasted it unto a blank background in photoshop. I placed a dungeon of an old medieval castle, a fireplace from a home magazine, and a barcode to make it ‘official. Three headlines accompany the cover, each having to do with the magazine’s intentions.
Through this magazine, I wanted to communicate my love of writing. I used a notebook from home, and wished to design my cover as if it was a den from an old medieval movie, where the scribe sits in front of the fireplace, carefully reading over his work, making sure it was fit for the kingdom’s entertainment, if they were literate at all that is. Also, the magazine was also supposed to communicate my love of ‘metal’ in a discrete way. Things such as, replacing the original small fire that was in the fireplace with a raging inferno, and making the headlines and title seem like they were on fire.
Looking at the rubric, I feel as though my magazine cover was a success. Looking through each objective and its score further, I realize that I may not get a four, but I know that whatever score I get I’m proud of my work. I could improve on the uniformity of the piece, making sure everything looks like one flowing image instead of some parts being more obviously photoshoped than others. However, I know that the effort put in to the piece, such as finding all of the pictures to put in and just putting it in to make the magazine, was something I’ll be proud of considering this project. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Codex Entry: Castellan Jason Johnson.

The one who this is written for, his name is Jason Johnson. From what we've gathered, he enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons on weekends and listens to loud music classified as 'Metal'. He has a large black Rottwieler / German Shepard named Queen who is his best friend.  He has lived Fifteen years so far and will turn Sixteen on December seventh.  He is in Eleventh grade and has a tendency to throw rocks at the sky, just to see if they'll hit the heavens. He has three rules to his existence

1] He has no religion, he feels it only hinders him in his quest to be an author.
2] He follows Honor, Justice, Ambition,  Wisdom, and Chivalry
3] It's not  really a rule, but a hobby. He likes Space Marines, which is the very reason it's written this way.

(P.S.: Yes I put this in third person, I enjoy third person, and Castellan is just another name for the Leader of the Black Templar Space Marines. =] )