Monday, November 22, 2010

The Vigilante's Tale

The photographic truth assignment was an assignment where I had to place myself within history through photoshop, and make it look real. The problems I faced throughout the process of doing this project taught me much about photoshop and made me a much better photoshop user. When I finished, I felt accomplished and full; my own two hands, along with my imagination and also a little help from my good friend Phelan, had conquered the project’s long and grueling process.

My book is called ‘The Vigilante’s Tale’. Within the Vigilante’s tale, I chose to alter the images from world war’s one and two. To submerse myself into these pictures, I had to make my picture into black and white. I also needed to use many adjustments, just to make myself fit in more. Posing and position were very important as well, of course I could just take all of the pictures for my truths in one pose, but that would be boring and stagnant, and nobody wants that at all.

The theme I worked with was the theme of war. I chose war because I always dreamt of what it would be like if I was in a world war. I also thought of what it would be like if I were a vigilante of war, fighting for the cause of righteousness.  As the truth book goes on, it shows my ‘affiliation’ with the German army fading, and my affiliation for the Allies getting stronger. 

Photographic Truth was a very fun assignment. As I was doing it, I felt as though it was hard work, and it took many tries with variations to get it just right. I feel as though my Photographic truth was good, and made me very happy. My finished product is sitting right beside me, and once again it makes me proud, if I was to do this assignment over again, I would tell myself to not be s rash and angry with the project, and not feel like giving up on it, I finished it do to patience, and patience shall always triumph in a photoshop project.

These are the pictures in m book (In no specific order) hopefully you'll enjoy! ^_^

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