Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Castellan Jason Johnson's Digital Story

The assignment for this project was to create a digital story that represented us n some way or form. The rules for the assignment were to go onto iMovie HD to create this story. The story had to be about a minute long (Mine exceeded the limit obviously, being approximately 2:10).

My digital story was on surviving my family. In greater detail, it was about my two cousins and my brother who attend hope high school, to make life easy for those who know them. Instead of taking a serious spin on the story I chose, I decided to take a humorous take on it, accomplishing my goal by adding outrageous solutions to very common problems when dealing with my family. I chose to draw a good majority of my images, simply because I could embody the feel of it better, the images I did not draw were the ones that captured the essence of my (and everyone else's) problem.

I chose this story because I always get complaints about my family and what they do to other people. My thought was to make their lives easier by making this video. I realize that it may not be what they need, but it'll at least make them laugh about their problem until it comes back.

Looking upon my product I know it's not my best work, but I liked doing the project. I ran into a lot of errors, such as timing and 'filling the voids' (Having large gaps between my images, thus making the video stagnant) Digital Media class as a whole was enjoyable, and I would like to take it again. Hopefully I'll get to use this in the future while pursuing my dreams in an authors dream.

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